Monday, March 25, 2013

Morocco daydreaming and other stuff

Hi there, fellow runner. The spring is finally here, but here in snowy Russia it is still far and winter still grabs it's hold on humankind. How the things are going out there in your lands, countries and cities or small towns? If you'll ask me, I've almost finished my re-reading of Robert Jordan's and Brandon Sanderson's Wheel of time. Meanwhile gained additional 15 kilos of fat and began running again.

Jüdische Hochzeit in Marokko
Jüdische Hochzeit in Marokko

For now, one of the main points on my agenda is choosing new running shoes, planning my ongoing vacation and losing this so stupidly gained weight.

As for weight, I still have a plan, but weather in this county makes me feel dizzy and canceled two out of three planned trainings already. Honestly, I've started running last week on Saturday, had a descent run on Sunday and since then I had no opportunity to continue on. The next issue is about overweight. Since this crap occurred, I have troubles running in my current running shoes, legs feel itchy and almost scratchy after slow 30 minutes training. So I added more at home exercises and is googling all day long for a new pair of shoes that I am sure will support my feet in much better way.

The awful weather made me jealous of other countries with other weather conditions. You know, Russia is large and anyone might find his or hers place under warm sun here, but I've found out that I'm stuck in Africa with all my thoughts. I have dreams and daydreams about Tunisia or Egypt. Almost every night and day in that case.

City of Essaouira mwanasimba from La Réunion
City of Essaouira mwanasimba from La Réunion

So, I've decided to plan my trip for upcoming vacation and plan it remembering and keeping in mind my beloved Africa. I sure as hell will go to Tunisia again, it is very beautiful country, full of ancient stuff and nature's wonders but I've been there less then a year ago and it would be somewhat weird, won't you say so?

And here I am in front of this dilemma, looking for a calm African country with sea or ocean and which accept Russian tourists with no visa. I've decided to go to Morocco. Always wanted to visit Marrakesh and I am really fond of mountains of Atlas. Wish me a concurrent stay there and nice flight, I'm going to escape this terrible spring and wash away all memories of it in cool waters of  Atlantic ocean.

By the way I'm still thinking and overlooking this matter. I'm planning to have this trip in May or even in June, so there is plenty of time to throw dice few more times and go somewhere else.

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