Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mark Chagall. Plus confession of a walkaholic

We've almost missed this event, but here it is:

la Maison bleue. Marc Chagall said no to skeuomorphism when Sir Jonathan Paul "Jony" Ive wasn’t born yet
la Maison bleue. Marc Chagall said no to skeuomorphism when Sir Jonathan Paul "Jony" Ive wasn’t born yet

Hi there, fellow walker. Surprised? Me too, a little. Never thought this way about walking, but if you dig deeper it become extremely obvious. Walking is a tool for better procrastination. There are plenty of quotes about how good walking is. How it helps with one’s health improvement and how good it is for organizing thoughts and clarifying mind. It’s only better face of truth. You waste tons of time walking and counting steps. Even more: you participate in endomondo contests for those who walk.

It’s time to confess for me. Late during this winter i’ve found myself quite overweight. I’ve discovered this fact walking from office back home. For sure, this walk was somewhat healthy exercise: it took about two hours and was about 15 kilometer long. And of course it was full with trouts and building of world control plans. Total domination))

So one evening it was icy and windy and I fell down, barely injured my back and was zero as an athlete for a couple of months. Looks like start of a bad story? Sort of, so let’s find a shortcut. That’s what i’ve found out for myself from this long walks in winter and early spring. One absolutely should do things for fun or money only: life’s too short for other things. One shouldn’t walk too much due to awful statistics: more walking -- more chances to break your back during doing extremely stupid thing. Walking delays everything: you walk, time passes by.

You walk and plan things while you should just do things. And some more things to confuse you even more: walking is fun? Then walk, but don’t stick to it. Think twice before choosing walk instead of any other possibility. Walking is addictive. And yes, walking consumes time.

Do more with less: run instead or work harder. Sorry for inconvenience, dear. But you’ll find this out for yourself sooner or later, so why shouldn't I tell to this truth right now? If it seems obvious for you, you’d better shut your mouth since we all of rather different mind power and it took me this long to realize walking myth due to your silence beforehand. So why should anybody speak now? )

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