Friday, September 14, 2012

Food theme: some approaches to weight loss

Hi there, fellow runner! Got L7, story will go on in few days. Today's topic is slightly different, but still run and technology related. Today we'll focus on weight loss, we had great summer and funny vacations with all-inclusive stuff and lots of sunbathing and all we have now is a stack of photos, lively memories and fat! Additional weight left you one on one with city life with it's complicated transportation system, hard to climb ladders and lots of daily routine -- you finally decided to loose some weight and want to know how. Here we have some advices to get out of your situation.

Bill Stagg turning up his beans, Pie Town, New Mexico. He will next pile them for curing
Bill Stagg turning up his beans, Pie Town, New Mexico.
He will next pile them for curing

First tip will be about servings -- I think it's a keystone. Large plates and utensils call for big servings -- try to rethink your kitchen accessories. By the way -- using small plates mean that you can split your daily meals in more parts and always feel some hunger after one. Your metabolism will find alternative energy resources in your body and utilize them completely. It's an easy way to get rid of overweight.

In addition you can shift your ration to fibers -- they are harder for metabolism to get energy from, so it will struggle harder. Try beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables -- eat them as many as you want, but don't before the run, the feeling of fullness is not what you want before training, you want to be light and fly above your path, yes?

Pay attention at your meals. Listen to the voice of hunger -- maybe it's not hunger at all? We often eat when we want to do something else -- play, walk out ore sleep. Eat can hardly be a complete substitution to sleep or play activities so think twice before going to the fridge.

And talking about the fridge -- try "do it yourself" philosophy at getting food -- you not only will eat tastier food, when prepared by you and for yourself? but in addition it can be healthier because you can choose all ingredients.

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