Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Once a runner, twice a runner: how to get back your running after a break

Hi there, fellow runner! How's the running routine going? Well, you might be in great condition now but remember your sporty time-line -- you sure had hard times when you left training route for a while -- a week, a month, maybe more. Let's discuss the situations so people, who never faced them, before can handle all troubles perfectly correct.

Imagine you had a brake in your training (which we can call fun, I assume) for one or two weeks. The first day back on the road you should run slower, maybe take more walk breaks and try to shorten the lenth of your regular route to avoid being over exhausted. Thats all -- don't worry.

The next situation -- if you stopped your running for a month plus-minus something. Here you have a week plan to get back -- it's easy and you don't really have to stick to it -- just mind it and be sure -- you'll make fun. For Monday you can 15 minutes training and you should run for 30 seconds, then you should walk for 30 an so on. Tuesday is for walking -- walk for 30-60 minutes. Then Wednesday: run for 20 minutes with same pattern as on Monday. You've got the idea? Yes -- next day will be more walking and the other day -- more running. If you feel good you can change ratio between running and walking and run for 30-50 seconds then walk for 30-10 seconds.

The last situation is the easiest -- you left running for more then a month -- it's ok to get back again using the plan above, but it's fun to imagine that you start running for the first time in your life, but again )

photo credits: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/2913350364/sizes/z/in/photostream/

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