Monday, September 24, 2012

Running shoe icon tutorial

Hi there! For today we have some sort of icon tutorial. We'll create running shoe icon and teaser image for it. And animated teaser image too! Fun stuff goes below!

At first you'll need to get general image and composition of the final product, look through tons of pics on google and find good one to be our prototype.

Let's find cool picture of running shoe in the internet
Then let's create new photoshop document to place our copy of the good pic from google
Then you should place vector objects on raster crap from google, I use contrast colors to mace picture stand out from background
Add more details, not too much, while remembering that this is an icon at last.. Feel free to shift pattern, material and color -- it's your own shoe, not new balance any more.
You may then finish all the shapes forming the shoe and delete the background level
Create pattern for the air flow perforation on the sides and top of our running shoe
Add more details and apply textures and basic shadows, think on color theme
Make sure you've added all details you wanted and convert all your layers to a smart object for a backup, duplicate them then
Try different color scheme -- if you please, add final details, if needed and look at it on background. So here you can save png files with or without background and on various backgrounds, but most of us prefer transparent background, I assume. The icon is finished, let's create teaser image, to draw user-s attention to our product.
Add some lighting and speed emotions to scene.
Now you can put some text to the final teaser image and make scene a bit lighter, more real life dirt might be added to the icon too
And finally you might want to add some animation to draw more attention.
Feel free to create your own icon now, i dont think that you need psd or png files, though if I'm wrong leave me a note in comments.

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