Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Runner's gadgets #1: smartphones and tablets with android

Hi there, fellow runner! You love gadgets? Smart-phones, iphones, tablets or ipads? Can you imagine your day without one? Can you imagine a training without music? And how can you listen to the music if you have no device to play it for you. Airplane flights with no tablet to watch some great movie? No, thanks! Getting back home from work with no tablet to read magazine or no e-book reader to read book? What a crap, no thanks!

Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American [Aviation, Inc.]'s Inglewood, Calif., plant
Some tech-related photo by library of congress, Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American [Aviation, Inc.]'s Inglewood, Calif., plant

So lets say truth -- we are complete addict to gadgets and all that wireless stuff. I've never left home for training without my huawei honor for about two month like i've never left home without motorolla milestone for some time before. Android platform offer so much comfort for our sportsman-hobbyists so I can't stand the passion to use one.

For today my daily gadgets consist of two devices: Acer iconia tab a500 and Huawei Honor smart-phone


They are super-cool and awesome by all means. Huawei runs android 4.0 ice cream sandwich and has beautiful 4.0 inch display with 800x480 pixels resolution, it looks nice on sunny days and you can control your run looking at it even if you run on Sundays an mid day. I use endomondo sports tracker and runkeeper for mapping my run and doing some sort of running log, they are almost equal, but I love runkeeper more. The choice is yours.

On my iconia tablet I don't use any run related apps, but I've installed DroidFit by Jefit Inc. -- it's some sort of e-book on building muscles and it's quite comprehensive.

I'll describe my gadgets later, this time I've just focused on their running and sports capabilities.

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