Friday, September 28, 2012

Gandhi quotes: top 10 Gandhi quotes for runners

Hi there, fellow runner! I've found list of Gandhi's quotations on life and society on facebook wall this morning and looked through it while trying to plan weekend run. You know what conclusion I've finally got? Mahatma Gandhi really can be teinterpreted to improve runner's motivation. Here we go with the list:

1. There is no rule of public opinion in conscience matters.

For typical runner it should mean, that you can break boundaries if you have great passion for your health improvement. Rethink lifestyle, recreate timetable, shift job, move to another city even. And never consult anybody.

2. The whole nation's greatness and moral level can be measured by how single people take care of homeless animals.

For the runner it really can mean going vegetarian or even vegan -- think on it from philosophical point of view.

3. If you going to bring peace on earth, then take care of your children.

This rule is about getting to the root of the problem, about planning and preparation. So when you are on your first winter run, for example, you should be prepared if you'd read articles on winter running and bought adequate outfit before.

4. If you can't wait for the world to change, then change it yourself.

It's about that it's never too late to get in running business, you just have to get in )

5. If you are waiting for a change to come, then go for it and meet it on the half way.

looks like Gandhi copied 4th rule )

6. When you realize that you reached ideal, all further improvement stops and you are moving backward.

Try to add more self criticism. If you feel lack of it.

7. and 8. are not related completely. Skip to 9

9. Find your aim and there will be resources.

Thats all about your running fears -- you gonna do what you have to and solve problems when meet them, not sit on the bench babbling. 

10. Completely unrelated stuff about forgiving and powerful ones, skip back to the first and repeat x times )

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